Sunday, January 27, 2008

More Description of the project

This blog will explore some of the various forms of the evangelical Christian “church” in the United States. While not exhaustive, a wide variety of models will be analyzed—from small to large, from house church to big box, from traditional to contemporary, from orthodox to emergent. Some will be examples of success (and success will be biblically defined) and a few will represent quite the opposite. One thing will be made clear: One size (one model) does not fit all.

I come to this project with no particular bias or malice in my heart. I’ve been around the block a few times and have served the church for over twenty-five years. I have seen (and been the recipient of) the good, the bad and the ugly, but I still love the Church. Truth be told, you cannot really love the bridegroom (Jesus) without loving His bride (the church).

I personally feel at home and in the presence of our Lord in any genuine body of believers. I’d like us all to quit judging what are the “right” and/or “wrong” ways to “do” church. I believe strongly that there are “different strokes for different folks.” And, as long as God’s word is the guide, where, when or how the church meets, who attends, or what style of worship ensues, I think that God is glorified and smiling.

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