Monday, June 30, 2008
Love Jesus, Hate Church
This is not to say it's not worth the read. It certainly is! If not for anything else to know that we're not alone in the boat.
Refer to my last blog entry for ordering information. You probably can't get the book at your book store since it is "self published."
Saturday, June 7, 2008
The Church and the Arts

Thursday, June 5, 2008

From the book "Love Jesus, Hate Church":
"During the past 10 years, approximately 50 million Christians left the church. In fact, the percentage of American adults who attend religious services has dropped from 49% to less than 32%. And more recent studies have shown that the problem of the decline in church attendance is actually getting much worse. In addition, a recent USA Today/Gallop poll reported that almost half of all Americans appear to be alienated from any form of organized religion. If the current trend continues, most Americans will not call themselves religious in just a few years.
"Of the roughly 140 million Americans who do make their way to church on any given weekend, an amazing 74% are not engaged in their church at all.Moreover, a study from the Barna Institute concluded that by the end of the next decade, up to 40% of all church-attending Christians will be worshipping God, serving others, studying the Bible, etc., outside of a congregational church setting. Clearly, the data indicates that church isn’t working."
Why? I'll let you know more as I read the book. In the meantime visit the website for more info and three sample chapters.