Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Rodney Joslen on Community
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Common Ground: Church in a Bar
From Pastor John Bishop's Blog:
Treasa and Rick Conn, who with the help of Danny Joe and the rest of our teams, are starting a church in a bar. Specifically Dodge City Saloon (I know, we live in the west). Over the course of the weekend and during the last several days, there has been nothing but incredible momentum, buzz and support over what ONLY GOD might do. I feel like we're stretching and risking like Paul did, who wrote most of the New Testament. Paul was a legalist, a Pharisee, went to the best schools, from the tribe of Benjamin, he knew more than most in his day, and was respected by most everyone in his day. Yet when God broke his heart, his faith became break-through and he saw EVERYTHING differently. Look at the words he told the church at Corinth:
1 Corinthians 9:22-23 says, "...Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some. I do everything to spread the Good News and share in its blessings."
I love that! I try to find common ground with everyone, and do everything so that I might bring them to Christ. The thoughts are pretty radical. When we broke the news about Dodge City, with over 5,000 people in all of our campuses, I thought that people would be frustrated, and I assumed people wouldn't understand, but it was just the opposite. We didn't hear any negative comments. Only positive, only encouragement, only support for Rick and Treasa, and in the end, ONLY GOD will be glorified. Thanks to the owner of Dodge City Saloon who is not only helping finance the campus, but is allowing us to use the facility every Sunday morning for no charge. Did you get that? Every Sunday morning for no charge.
I hope that we continue to find common ground and do whatever it takes to reach someone for Jesus Christ. When the day is over, the bar is simply a building. I'm glad to be a part of a church that always does whatever it takes to reach the next one person for Christ.
Common Union Man
You'll learn more about Rod and why he is the epitome of the common-union man in my next blog. I'll present you with a picture show of my "findings" that I'm sure you will enjoy. It is important to note that this really isn't about Rod, but about God in Rod. You'll see and hear what I mean next time.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Another Video
Thursday, March 6, 2008
A Former Pastor of Community Speaks
It is lacking and does not serve this function well, IMHO. The church is too spread out geographically and folks have too many commitments to too many places and activities for true koinonia to take place.
How does effective communication aid the function and process of koinia?
Effective communication is essential to authentic relationships, which are at the core of koininia.
What has been your experience in the Church: Does it communicate well (both within and without)?
I know of no church that truly communicates effectively. Some do better than others. They are organizations that are protecting and withholding information as it suite their interests. Information is seen as power, and those who "communicate" hold that power. Withholding information is another form of power. They do not require people to talk face to face with those who are needing to communicate. They allow "dead" mechanisms to do this. This is not effective communication, in my book, but rather an abuse of power.
How might communication improve in the Church?
Communication can only improve in a church as they are dedicated to speaking the truth in love face to face with everyone. As long as communication is used as a form of power and control, there isn't much improving allowed.
How does communication relate to and/or effect community?
Communication makes or breaks community. It binds or frees community. It gives voice or silences community. It depends on who holds or gives away the power and control. I have lots of opinions about this...