Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Why Young People Leave the Church

Here's a sample of the article from the Associated Baptist Press by
Carra Hughes Greer
Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Carra Hughes Greer

"...There are two types of Baptist churches which young Christ-followers are familiar with -- and disinterested in -- the "harsh church" and the "watered-down church."

"The harsh church isolates itself from other denominations. Its voice is brash, critical and cold to the changing culture. This church has leaders who speak with loud voices, not just in decibels, but to the media and government in protest against issues regarding school curriculum, the health-care system, marriage or churches with female pastors.

"Young Christ-followers hesitate to be associated with a group of Baptists labeled as "crazy" by society for making outrageous statements such as declaring that the cause of Haiti's earthquake was the result of a pact they made with the devil or that the Sept. 11 attacks were brought on by feminists, abortionists and homosexuals. Why would anyone want to join a community of "believers" that seems hateful and compassionless?" (continued)

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