Friday, February 19, 2010

Become a Missionary to Your Culture

"Study the culture that God has placed you in so you can learn how to communicate the Gospel message in the way that people in your time and place will best understand. Stay current on what messages the media (the Internet, movies, music, TV shows, etc.) is presenting, and think critically about how those messages reflect attitudes in your culture. Consider what questions people are asking about life and faith through the culture, and how you can point them toward biblical truth in ways they can relate to well. Remember to approach people as they actually are right now, not as you wish they were. Keep in mind that many people today aren't familiar with what the Bible says and don't view it as an authoritative source. You may need to help them notice how God is showing up in popular culture before encouraging them to read the Bible. When you do present the Gospel message, communicate it in a context suited for the time and place in which you minister to people."

Brilliant I say! From We Are the Body: How to Become a Practicing Church by Whitney Hopler at

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