Friday, February 12, 2010

The Disney Culture

If you've never had the joy of attending a JoyLead conference you're missing out on some truly amazing and innovative teaching. Some time back I had the privilege of taking in two conferences:
  1. The Culture-Friendly Church and
  2. The Imaginative Church
Over the course of the next several posts I will interject small bits of material from these conferences.

The Imaginative Church conference was held at the Disneyland Resort where we looked at the customer service aspects of the Disney brand. Part of the seminar was taught by Disney personnel and we attendees were then given the opportunity to wander the park and observe first-hand the principles we were taught.

Before I launch into anything directly from these conferences I want to point you to the article "Disney's Berms and Contradictions" by Paul Williams from his blog: Blogging Innovations. While his article is about business marketing principles the concepts can be applied to the church.

Read the article and think about the "contridictions" that might be contributing to a negitive customer experience at your church. Brainstrom about what you might be able to eliminate and then think about how you might create a "decompression zone" that prepares visitors for experiencing Jesus.

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